Delicious food available all around you.
Here are a couple more.
The one that foreigners call the Chinese doughnut is the Yu Chou.The difference is the way it is cooked.
Just like a doughnut, some batter is dropped into hot fat and it rises and is cooked quickly. The major difference is the Yu Chou is long, not round with a hole in it.
A winter favourite is the sweet potato. Cooked by baking in a portable, coal fired oven, it is hot and sweet and perfect for lunch on a cold winter's day. It is known as Di Gua in Chinese.
Of course, there are many more that I could show but the list is really endless.
It is one of the main things I miss about China. Being able to walk out into the street and buy something different to eat each day.
And, if you want to go fancy, there is also an abundance of restaurants with great food and an unbelievably cheap price.
Here is one that tastes as good as it looks if the chef knows how to do it well. Fish in a batter with a sweet and sour sauce, cooked so it curls up. How's you taste buds going?
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